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International Women's Day 2021: An interview with Jin Han Tan

Posted on March 2021 By Selby Jennings

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A challenging world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. 

At Selby Jennings, we choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.

From challenge comes change, we have an interview with Jin Han Tan, Associate Vice President at Selby Jennings, Singapore let's find out how she chooses to challenge.

What does the #ChooseToChallenge message mean to you in the Financial Services Technology industry?

Tech is undoubtedly still a very gender imbalanced industry, #ChooseToChallenge means to always work towards breaking boundaries and stereotypes, find solutions to achieve a better balance.

What sort of conversations around gender equality do you have with your clients and candidates in your role? Has Covid-19 had an impact on gender equality?

Gender equality is one of the most common talking points in Tech. We often get questions around how we can increase female talent in Tech, or how we can groom the next generation of female tech leaders. 

Covid-19 has not impacted gender equality in Tech, the priority is to ensure fair consideration and bringing in the top talents.​

What role can recruiters play in challenging norms and creating change?

We are the bridge of the market, our role is to create awareness within the market, and be unafraid to give our honest opinion and provide solutions to challenge norms and create change.

What advice would you give to a company trying to create a diverse hiring strategy?

If there is a way to be more flexible on the ideal requirements, this will help to broaden the options and create diversity in hiring. That said, diversity should not come at the expense of fair consideration, nor should it neglect the right talent. 

As a female leader, what advice would you give to other aspiring leaders in overcoming potential gender biases and achieving career success?

Don’t be afraid to be successful, and don’t be afraid to be noticed. As long as you know you have done your best, your efforts will definitely be recognised. 


About Jin Han Tan

Jin Han Tan leads the Technology team with Selby Jennings Singapore.

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