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Singapore Financial Services Bonus Season Breakdown

Posted on May 2024 By Selby Jennings

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In the competitive world of financial services, bonuses play a pivotal role in both attracting and keeping top talent. For professionals, these bonuses also help them measure their value in the current market.. This significance is particularly pronounced now, given the prevailing macroeconomic landscape.

“The financial services industry in Singapore, like elsewhere, faces challenges from global economic uncertainty and local market dynamics, which can impact bonus structures and overall compensation, influencing employee satisfaction and retention.”
Andrew Zee, Director - Head of Selby Jennings, South East Asia 

Surveying Asia-Pacific's latest bonus season, Selby Jennings gathered insights from over 1,000 financial services experts to delve into the impact of bonuses on employee satisfaction and motivation. Here are some of our key findings specific to the Singapore market:


of respondents in Singapore's financial industry received bonuses, slightly lower than the APAC average of 75%.

Polarizing Split

Singapore's bonus increments were notably divided between the upper and lower ends of the spectrum.

Explore our latest report on the 2024 bonus season analysis to delve deeper into:

  • Overall bonus season results for APAC's financial sciences & services industry

  • Comparison of bonuses across sectors

  • Analysis of bonuses in the Singapore and Hong Kong financial services markets


Understanding bonus distributions is vital for financial professionals and hiring managers alike. It aids companies in refining their compensation strategies to secure and retain talent. Likewise, these insights are valuable for financial services experts navigating career transitions. Complete the form below to access your copy today.

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